Volume 79, Issue 1, 2023

1. Kusan, O. (2023). Unıversıty students’ free tıme management and examınatıon of the relatıonshıp between dıgıtal game addıctıon levels. PONTE, 79 (1), 1-16.

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3. Ramagiri, M., Lakshmi, T. S. & Chandulal, A. (2023). Investigation of initial stress on torsional vibrations in an anisotropic magneto-poroelastic hollow cylinders. PONTE, 79 (1), 24-30.

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4. Tinonetsana, F., Rawjee, V. P. & Govender, J. P. (2023). A framework for e-WOM for online consumer buying. PONTE, 79 (1), 31-42.

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5. Musariwa, P., Rampersad, R. & Govender, N. (2023). Corporate social responsibility in the mining sector in Zimbabwe. PONTE, 79 (1), 43-66.

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